Stolpersteine 04.10.13
Stolpersteine 04.06.14
Stolpersteine 09.12.14
Stolpersteine 27.02.15
Stolpersteine 14.12.15
Stolpersteine 14.06.16
Ausstellung 2015
Angehörigen Besuche

Speech of Robin Devries (04.06.2014)


Stolpersteine Zeremonie 5D

These stones laid today marking the lives of my Grandfather, my Father and his Aunt are much more than simple memorials. For me they mark not only their symbolic return to their home after so many years after all their hopes and aspirations were torn from them, but serve as a reminder to all that pass of times that many would prefer to forget

The simple inscriptions on these stones are not brief factual statements but are questions that need to be answered –  So it was for me – someone who ought to have known!

I thank Ruth Warrener for getting in touch with me and providing the inspiration for me to do what I should have done decades earlier. The knowledge that the Stolperstein was to be laid caused me to examine the photographic negatives, family albums and other memorabilia left by my father – opening a window that I never knew existed

I could see my father as young man. He wanted what we all want, family, career, love and fulfilment. This was not the father that I knew – an angry, intolerant, withdrawn man that was frightened to anything that involved the slightest risk. Now looking through that window of time, I finally understood – not only that the impact of the events of the National Socialist Era had on him (and that entire Jewish generation) who were deprived of life, freedom, opportunity and fulfilment, but how lucky that we are in living through peaceful times with all the liberties of the modern world.

We owe a debt to them and the only way we can repay that debt is to ensure that their depravations were not in vain. These Stolpersteine are the first repayment of that vast debt. We must also, preserve their memory, tell their story to our children and grandchildren. We must make the most of the opportunities and freedom that we have to ensure that their terrible history is not repeated

On behalf of all the Devries family, past and future, I thank Gunter Demnig for creating this program, the people and town of Goch for embracing the need to lay these Stolpersteine, Ruth Warrener and those helping her, for making this happen. I am forever grateful.

Stolpersteine in Goch

Stolpersteine-Gruppe1 auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Leni Valk
Leni Valk 1933-1943

Leni Valk

In diesem Jahr wäre Leni 80 Jahre alt geworden. Dies war ihr jedoch nicht vergönnt. Sie wurde im Alter von 10 Jahren im Vernichtungslager Sobibor vergast. So dass sich am 21. Mai ihr 70. Todestag jährt.

Jüdische Kinder aus Goch ...

Leni Valk ...

Stolpersteinprojekt des Künstlers Günther Demnig

Stolperstein Selma Devries

Der Künstler Gunter Demnig hat das Stolpersteinprojekt ins Leben gerufen. Er möchte an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus erinnern, indem er vor ihren letzten selbstgewählten Wohnort Gedenktafeln aus Messing in den Bürgersteig einlässt. Stolpersteine wurden bereits in mehr als 500 Orten Deutschlands und in mehreren andern europäischen Ländern verlegt.

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Erstellt von :
R. Warrener
Text von:
R. Warrener

(B1) (c) Leif Bungenstock