Banning the festivals
were also festivals such as Hannuka (T1) when the eight candles of the
Hannukkiyyah were lit. Everyone sat together in the dining-hall –
children and personal when suddenly Germans came in and knocked
everything from the tables. “No more celebrations” they shouted.
Celebrating Jewish festivals was no longer allowed – and every child
was so scared of being struck or kicked that they hid away .

I remember Hannuka – a Jewish festival during which eight candles would
be lit daily, one after another – also small presents were given.
Everyone was sitting in the dining hall, children and orphanage
personal, when if I recall correctly, “Achtung!” was shouted and some
Germans entered – shouting – one of them knocked everything off the
tables. Hannuka was over there and then; the celebration was over. No
more such celebrations were allowed. Everyone was shocked and froze
with fear. We crept away for our own safety."
(T1) Text from the book: "Een jongen in de oorlog" Lesbrief De
Vijftigste Mei
Text: 3 Van Dinsdag tot Dinsdag (page19)