Flagge deutsch
Herbert Cohen
Father´s imprisonment
Flight to the Netherlands
Separation from Margot
Arrival at Westerbork
Banning the festivals
Spare time, school & work
Conditions in Westerbork
Fear of Deportation
Fate of family members

Herbert Cohen

Fear of Depotation

I found the worst thing to be the night hours between Mondays & Tuesdays during which the named of those on the next transport were proclaimed. Everywhere people wer crying because families were split up – by e.g. only the father being deported. You were always afraid that your own name would be on the list for deportation to the east. Everyone was happy, me also, when your name was not on the list.. When I played football outside I could see how many people were being deported in a week. It could be that at the start of the week I would be one of a dozen friends – by the end of the week only three might remain. When the transport train departed it was not a cause for relief though – because you knew your name might be on the list a week later. Then it would happen. The train came, a long train with cattle-wagons and SS men with dogs. That was the worst thing for all those in Westerbork – the night before the transports.

Deportation in Westerbork

Deportation -  Westerbork

Schild - Westerbork - Auschwitz
Westerbork Transportrampe


Westerbork - Auschwitz
Auschwitz Westerbork
each week a transport with about 1000 prisoners left Westerbork going to the death camps
Auschwitz and Sobibor

Transportramp at Westerbork,

prisoners left Westerbork from the Transportramp


Bahnschienen als Erinnerung an die Transport - Westerbork
Deportationszug Auschwitz

Train line to Auschwitz and Sobibor

Deportationtrain in Auschwitz

Herzogenstraße 8

Stacheldrahttor im KZ Auschwitz

Wired fence in Auschwitz

Zyklon B Körner mit Dose

Zyklon B  (Auschwitz) (B7)

Erstellt von :
Collin Schmitz
Text von:
Gereon Gacionis, Niels Verbunt
B1- (c) NIOD 2066118
B2, B3, B4, B5 - Fotosammlung  Ruth Warrener,
B6-B7 (c) Ralph van Kessel