Flagge deutsch
Herbert Cohen
Father´s imprisonment
Flight to the Netherlands
Separation from Margot
Arrival at Westerbork
Banning the festivals
Spare time, school & work
Conditions in Westerbork
Fear of Deportation
Fate of family members

Herbert Cohen

Arriaval in Westerbork

Conditions were bad at Westerbork. After a few days I had lice – everybody there had lice. There were barrack-blocks – lots of them – so many that I could not count them. The camp was like a big town of barrack blocks. There was a work-barracks, a school-barracks, kitchen-barracks, administration-barracks and also a hospital. There you would be cared for well. The food was decent and you would only be released when you were fit again. I ended up in the orphanage, because I was already twelve years old. The orphanage was run very strictly. You could play outside but always under the attention of the guards. We were always scared, because there were always tasks which had to be carried out under orders. Disobedience was harshly punished. Mother and father were no longer there for protection. Fear was always apparent.

Modell des Lagers Westerbork
Modell of camp Westerbork

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Herzogenstraße 8

Erstellt von :
Collin Schmitz
Text von:
Gereon Gacionis, Niels Verbunt
B1, B2 - R. Warrener - Foto-, Mediensammlung R. Warrener