Family Jakob Cohen

Pictures of the Synagogue in Goch

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The earliest reference to the existence of a synagogue in Goch dates from 1724. It is known that prior to 1812 a room of the Heymann family's house, located in the Vossstrasse, served as a prayer room.

On the 7th of July 1812 the new synagogue was officialy opened. In a large procession the Torah scroll was taken from the house of the Heymann family to its ark in the new synagogue at Herzogenstrasse 8. During this period of the Napoleonic French occupation religious processions were usually forbidden, but the mayor of Goch, Mr. van den Bosch, managed to get a special permit from the French prefecture in Cleves.

In 1862 the synagogue underwent internal renovation with some reconstruction. A Jewish school and assembly house for the Jewish community were built. This project was mainly financed by the wealthy Rosenheim family of Paris, who had relatives in Goch.

On the occasion of the centenary of the synagogue in Goch a small booklet was published. The photographs showing inside views are from this booklet. A speech which was given during the celebrations is printed in the booklet. The speaker talks of religious tolerance and he mentions that a new era has started, in which all people are equal before the law. The pursuit of the Jews has ended, they are part of the Goch town community and they should be integrated even more in future. The Mayor mentions as well: "If they serve the Kaiser and if they teach their children to do the same, they would feel at home in Goch and would stay." Many people from the town of Goch followed the procession on this day of remembrance.




Side-elevations & layout plan of the Synagogue in Goch, build in 1812

Inside view of the Synagogue - showing the women's gallery
Inside view of the Synagogue - showing the Ark

The Torah is the book of the law, comprising the five books of Moses. The Torah scroll is kept in a holy Ark, fashioned from skillfully carved wood.

The pillars/columns of the Torah crown are in memory of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Lions on the columns symbolize the guardians of the Temple. Under the crown you can see a seven armed Menorah.

The Torah crown of the Goch Synagogue is now preserved by the Jewish Orthodox congregation in Krefeld.

Dateiname: fcohenj2_l.htm
Datum: 29.06.2009
Translation: Graham Warrener
Erstellt von: Ruth Warrener
Fotografien: Stadtarchiv Goch